I strive to be sensible, reasonable, and otherwise normal.

Monday, June 14, 2004

To be a Viking

Harald Sigurdsson of Norway. What a guy. Check out Snorri Sturluson's "King Harald's Saga". ISBN 0-14-044183-2. It's really rather funny, considering its a history book. It talks about this "punk" Viking kid who's father was a king, but the kid "became unruly and took to killing". Honestly, what kind of people just up and kill? It gave me quite the mental image. This must not have been uncommon in the Viking world, because Snorri (hehe, I used his first name) didn't make any big deal at all of it.
I've decided that I want to be a modern age Viking. I'll change my name to Ulf or Sigurd or Esbern or something cool like that. The Vikings had WAAAAY cooler names than I've seen in any other culture. And I could marry a girl named Gunnhild or Thora or Áfríðr (oh those fricatives are a turn-on!) and live in a stone house with a thatched roof along the shore, maybe outside of Trondheim... my furniture would be made of wood and bone, and my floor would be dressed in rugs of fur. Imagine me, the owner of a longship shaped like a dragon, plundering villages in Denmark and England and all those little islands in between. Oh, yes. That's the life for me!


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