I strive to be sensible, reasonable, and otherwise normal.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Another mile barefoot

I won the mile race last night. Too bad I was racing 12 and 13 year olds. The guy who came in second had a time of 6:15, so I feel all right about that. I'll never be sure exactly of my time because I started when that kid hit his 200 yard mark. It took me almost two full laps to catch up to him, and then he sprinted better than I did at the end. So he beat me by 100 yards. So I figure I beat him by 100 due to his head start. I ran a good race. If only I had been able to run like that in high school. I could have lettered had I stuck with it. I could have had a silver letter instead of my silly maroon one. But no. I dropped out of both cross country and track after my sophomore year and wasted my potential. Sickening.

This shall suffice for the time being. "That's all there is, there isn't any more."


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