I strive to be sensible, reasonable, and otherwise normal.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Eulogy. ish.

It's always sad to have to part with a girlfriend. Especially one as
faithful and beautiful as mine. But sometimes it's better for both of
us to be apart, although, I think in my case, I will never have a
chance to even see her again. It's especially hard now, since she has
been ill. I hate to see her go after such hard times, and as much as
I'd love to be with her until she is as good as new, I don't think
she'll ever be the same. She doesn't even remember me now, after her
last accident. For a while, we thought she wouldn't make it through
at all, but she has survived, but doesn't remember anything of her
prior life. All of the memories we shared together are gone, along
with all the things I told her, and all the pictures I drew for her,
and all the quotes that we collected together from all our favorite
authors. She loved Voltaire, but now, doesn't even recognize his
name. But she was always so thoughtful, and she would wake me up in
time for all my classes, and she reminded me to check on my laundry.
She always kept me company when I went camping around campus, and she
even held the light whenever I used to read in the dark. She knew all
the hymns and all the scriptures by heart, but we no longer get to
share the memory of the many times she would sit there beside me while
I read with her. She sometimes even helped me take notes in class.
She was always thoughtful, kind, and loyal. She was always honest,
she often gave me good advice, and occupied my long, lonely hours by
making beautiful music that I alone ever heard. She loved to play
word games and card games, and she sometimes let me win. It's hard to
part with someone as special as my CliƩ, but I think that if I'm
lucky, she'll be worth at least $300 on eBay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had me! You had me, and the payoff was so crushing. I'll send my psychotherapist's bill to you then? He or she will accept cheques; with a 'q' of course.

6:50 PM


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