I strive to be sensible, reasonable, and otherwise normal.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

An attempt at short & concise.

I am practicing brevity. Oh, beautiful brevity. I think that haiku
is a wonderful way to be concise. It can also be very clever too. I
will give it a whirl.

Hamburgers or dogs
Little difference, processed meat.
Both better with fries.

Hey, that wasn't too bad! Maybe I won't write so much from now on.
It's something that I think might be a problem for me. I like to
write a lot. I use lots of words, and sometimes that helps my
meaning, but sometimes the reader interest goes down. It reminds me
of the supply/demand curve. I need to find the equilibrium point when
I write.

I have noticed that when the paragraphs are long, people only read
halfway through. If I separate the paragraphs and make them shorter,
people are more likely to read the message entirely. Interesting, no?

The problem I now face is that I like to write a lot. I find
it hard to stop after just a few sentences. Some people find it hard
to write long papers, so I guess we each have our strengths.


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