Catching Up
Well, I looked at my watch to see how long it had been since I posted. It's currently in the process of flipping the little date numbers over, so I will just have to make a rough estimate and call it-- holy fricative! Two weeks! Why did I wait so long? What's been happening to me?
It's my dad's birthday, at least for a little while longer still. I wrapped his new electric shaver in the Sunday comics for him. That was about it really. We had a good carrot cake and ice cream. I'm popping my back a lot. I think it has something to do with my lifting of heavy boxes every day. It certainly has made me stronger. In fact, just today, I had to lift a 258 pound case of various Hershey's products. It still is difficult, but a few months ago, I probably wouldn't have moved it more than a few inches without a serious rest afterward. I also noticed that the big chip board pallets don't seem nearly as heavy as they used to. I found out last week that they weigh 82 pounds. I have been lifting those over my head regularly for a long time now. I feel so invigorated, but at the same time, I'm just about burned out. I haven't been sleeping enough, in fact, right now I'm supposed to be in bed. I told myself (and my other blog) that I'd be hitting the sack about two hours ago.
Only I got sidetracked and started talking to one of my best friends. The fact that I am leaving is finally starting to sink in, so I am starting to care a lot less about work, and more about socializing. It may or may not be good for me. It's definitely more fun this way, but it also makes me a lot more tired in general. I think I should probably eat more. More vegetables particularly. I usually like my veggies, but they are never one of those things that always comes to mind when I look for a snack. Usually when I think I'm getting hungry, I look around for some chocolate chips or graham crackers, but when I can't find any I just ignore the gnawing in my stomach and continue whatever it is I am doing. Not a healthy habit. I did eat two carrots this afternoon, they were pretty good, but my second one was too big. The core was a little too bitter for my liking.
This will have to conclude tonight's message. I'm pretty tired, and now my friend has gone to bed too. I'll try to write a little more tomorrow, this one post isn't all that informative or interesting. I'll get some intriguing questions/answers soon, you can count on that! G'night, friends.
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