I strive to be sensible, reasonable, and otherwise normal.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

No. 144

This is my 144th time publishing online. That's a very square number. It's like I published 12 things 12 times each. That was pretty simple mental math. 144 is a good number.

I have posted 106 times on my Fricative blog, 36 times with this one, and once with my Mission Letters blog. Someday that will have more on it, once I write a few letters home. My brother will be the steward of that site, and will post my letters there. Good times.

That only adds up to 143 you say? Where is the last one? I forgot the site, but it's an extensive list of some of the coolest people in history. It's got a lot of people, let me see if I can remember where I stuck it... http://myweb.cableone.net/djhar7/fricative2.htm! Ha, I found it. It has been lost to me for a few months, but with a little effort (I had put forth none until today) I have found it. Happy day.

Well, that's all, I just wanted

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Yellow Receipts

My brother needs the computer.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Got an address

Today I signed on to MSN Messenger and AIM, and my friend Marc's name was up on my lists. I said to myself, "Self, this sure is odd. Marc is in Indonesia with no internet access." So I opened a conversation with Marc. I said, "Is this Marc?" I never got an answer. But I did get his address from his AIM Away Message. I wrote him a letter a few days ago, but I couldn't find his address, and now I have it. Good pie, good pie.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Do you know

Well, it looks like I have less than two weeks now to enjoy Boise. Time goes by so funny... The summer dragged on and on, but now my MTC date has crept up on me so fast. I've kinda starting counting things that I will only be doing one or two more times before I leave. I had my last institute class with Brother Maughan last night, I have my last scout campout this weekend, I went to the Red Cross blood donation center today for the last time. It's a little bit draining, but I'm so excited to be going. I keep hearing stories about Americans getting robbed down there, and coming home with funky new creatures growing inside their bodies. I think I'll be fine. If not, meh. It's gonna rock! Maybe I should be practicing my Espanol... No, I don't know any. I still have two weeks to enjoy my beautiful English language, I'll have plenty of chances to learn Spanish later. (and I'd BETTER learn it, or I'll be stuck in Venezuela forever!) Well, I'm off to write some letters, some of my friends are lonely.

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