I strive to be sensible, reasonable, and otherwise normal.

Monday, June 28, 2004

I found this picture and it made me happy

This is one of the few photos I have of my friend Elizabeth. This particular memory is a frosting party we had at Jennifer's apartment. Some of you might recognize this as part of Heritage, and some of you will recognize this as Kimball Hall. What a great time. You'll see the cake we made and decorated in the background, right below my left arm... And right behind Elizabeth is a stick of butter that I later sat on. Well, I was actually more "lying down" than "sitting". But either way, my shirt was greasy! Posted by Hello

My dream

Last night, I had a dream in which I was writing a novel. Not to
brag, but I seem to remember it being quite a good book. Well
written, but I thought the story could use some work. I actually
dreamed that I tried to remedy this by writing more about the youngest
child, and I remember being sad, knowing what lay in store for him in
the future. I probably would have kept him around for a few more
chapters, out of love for his character, but his fate was inevitable.
I dreamed that I cried for him. Writing is so emotionally wrenching
sometimes. Well, here it is:
A family of aliens is living in a large home in Texas. They are
naturally kind of a brownish purple color, basically humanoid, but
with some extra accessories, like scales and long ears, but because
they are afraid of negative attention from neighbors, they are
disguised as humans. The story is told in first person, as it
happened to me in my dream. I met a girl, who I thought was lovely.
But when I went to meet her family, I knew something was awry. The
house was decorated very precisely, yet amateurly, as if they had
tried to copy a photograph from a magazine but using the wrong
supplies Their communication skills were a little awkward. They
didn't have an accent, but the words they used were not always
appropriate for the situation. Something just wasn't right. I went
exploring the house trying to figure out what was wrong, when I
discovered my lady-friend's uncle upstairs-- not disguised. I was
frightened, as anyone would have been, but before I could escape the
house in panic, they managed to convince me of their peaceful nature.
They told me of how the neighbors were cruel to them, and how they
were misunderstood, and were not even able to express themselves in
the culture that their ancestors had cherished. Upon hearing this, I
couldn't help but feel a strong bond with these people. I spent the
day telling them stories, and they told me theirs. I told them
stories from the world's history. They particularly liked the ones
about the Native Americans. They asked me to stay the night, and I
accepted their offer. I learned more about them, and was fascinated.
I decided to stay the summer and help them feel more comfortable in
society, and more confident that people would accept them if they
could just show how good at heart they really were. The youngest
child in the family was by far the most open and unafraid. He
immediately began to go out and attempt to play with the other
children in the area. He was the happiest little boy I had ever seen.
His eyes were always so full of light, and he had the quickest
imagination of anyone I had ever met. At the time we did not know how
dangerous his outings were. The town council had decided that this
family was a threat to their peace, and a mob had formed. Then, I
woke up. Dang. I hate it when that happens!
When I was actually in the dream, it seemed like I was trying to
make some kind of statement about tolerance and human rights,
acknowledging, of course, the fact that they are not technically
human. I think if I ever actually decide to write this story, it will
not be as strongly political as I had dreamed that it was. And that
paragraph I just wrote would be extended to about three chapters, with
a plethora of colorful and intriguing words, used in a very
disciplined and precise way. The discipline it takes to write a novel
is astounding. I don't think I could ever do it, because I would
expect every sentence to be entirely unblemished. That is such a hard
thing to do. And being forced to write the death of that little boy,
whose name I have now forgotten... *shudder*. And that is why,
despite my love for words and literature, I am not a writer.

Monday, June 14, 2004

To be a Viking

Harald Sigurdsson of Norway. What a guy. Check out Snorri Sturluson's "King Harald's Saga". ISBN 0-14-044183-2. It's really rather funny, considering its a history book. It talks about this "punk" Viking kid who's father was a king, but the kid "became unruly and took to killing". Honestly, what kind of people just up and kill? It gave me quite the mental image. This must not have been uncommon in the Viking world, because Snorri (hehe, I used his first name) didn't make any big deal at all of it.
I've decided that I want to be a modern age Viking. I'll change my name to Ulf or Sigurd or Esbern or something cool like that. The Vikings had WAAAAY cooler names than I've seen in any other culture. And I could marry a girl named Gunnhild or Thora or Áfríðr (oh those fricatives are a turn-on!) and live in a stone house with a thatched roof along the shore, maybe outside of Trondheim... my furniture would be made of wood and bone, and my floor would be dressed in rugs of fur. Imagine me, the owner of a longship shaped like a dragon, plundering villages in Denmark and England and all those little islands in between. Oh, yes. That's the life for me!

I don't live there anymore

I moved down to Provo a year ago for school, and I signed up for a checking account down there, and they sent me four boxes of checks with my address on them. Unfortunately, I no longer live there. It was not at all permanent housing. It was a dorm room. Aaaand now I have to figure out what to do with all these checks that have a bad address on them. Should I just chuck 'em and start over, or should I put little labels over the address (do they work in machines if i tape over the corner?), should I perhaps just cross out the bad address and write in my real one? Should I just leave it and then some poor sucka in 2208 Stover Hall will get all my junk? That would not be cool. He'd probably steal all my money or something. And how come it's not acceptable to spell it "cheque" here? I think Qs are way cooler than ck's. Oh well. Maybe someday when I live in Vancouver...

Thursday, June 10, 2004

The struggle for work

So I've been looking for a job since i got home in late April, and no one seems to be hiring. I have talked to managers that say they are hiring, but then I never hear from them again after I turn in the applications. I called a few places back, and most of the places I applied to expressly said NOT to call back. I do all their funky little math and spelling tests (the purpose of which seems to have slipped my mind. It doesnt take a whole lot of brain to make a sandwich) And then they don't even hire me. I'm absolutely positive that I didn't mess up on the simple addition questions. I'm sure I never offended the managers. Why don't they hire me when they say they're hiring? It's because I've only done summer work, and so it looks like I can't keep a job for more than three months. I could keep a job if I wanted to. But instead, I decided to go to school, because to me, learning is worth more than money. And now when I decide to work, they don't let me. Even the temp agencies don't want me. I sat in the lobby of Volt Staffing Services for two hours and I took their math test AND their spelling test AND their mandexterity test AND i filled out at least 6 forms AND had an interview AND i woke up at 7 am just so I could get there on time. And then only afterward did they tell me that they don't have anything for me. Good to know. They could have said that they didn't have any work BEFORE they had me stay there forever. Oh well. That's my rant for today. Give me a job.

Friday, June 04, 2004

This is absurd

So, I was looking around on the internet for information on human rights, and I found this website and it is appalling. Promises Broken: Sexual Abuse and Exploitation The home page for this is http://www.hrw.org/. I wish people weren't so stupid.
I looked around a lot at the Amnesty International site, and a few others. Definitely try to find the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and read that. I thought this was pretty cool too: http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/k2crc.htm
That's my little ramble for this time.

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